Located in middle of the Alps, the Explorer Hotels are your base camp to explore the mountains 365 days a year.
You have the choice between eight top ski and hiking destinations in the mountains. So it's on you ;) But it's no doubt that all eight Explorer Hotels offers the same comfort and facilities - completely aimed at athletes and mountain lovers!

Protecting people is our mission, our responsibility - but also our passion. Just like cycling.
uvex develops first-class products for every conceivable application on the ski slope, on the bike and in equestrian sports. They support people who live their individuality in sports self-confidently and attach great importance to excellent quality - whether as professional or recreational athletes.

BEAUMONT DES CRAYÈRES - Celebration partner
Driven by a spirit of independence, Beaumont de Crayères belongs to the most renowned champagne houses of Épernay.
More than 200 growers work sustainable together, to guarantee longterm the highest quality of their products.
This human dimension is a core component of Beaumont des Crayères and fits perfectly with the Racingteam spirit.

Our athletes, supporters and partners all strengthen each other through the synergies of a closely networked, regional backbone. Down-to-earthness, authenticity, sustainability and big visions are not competing exclusion criteria, but rather a guarantee for common, long-term corporate goals.
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Together we join forces to strengthen our global network beyond the Middle East borders.

Whether when preparing the world championship, during the TransAlp, an e-bike camp at our Explorer Hotels or simply when opening a bottle of beer - our Suunto is always at our side.
Follow us un our adventures around the globe and check the riders data on their accounts.

Die Kombination aus Leidenschaft, Know-How und Erfahrungen aus 20 Jahren Spitzensport versetzt uns in die Lage, immer einen Schritt voraus zu sein.
„Unsere Produkte basieren auf über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Beratung von Sportlern im Spitzen- und Breitensport sowie auf neuesten wissen-schaftlichen Erkenntnissen.“ sagt Dr. Wolfgang Feil, der unseren Sportlern seit Anfang an beratend zur Seite steht.